Monday 9 May 2016

What is a Robot?

The term "Robot" was first introduced in the year 1920 within the play "Rossum's Universal Robots".But what does the term robot truly mean? Well, what was learnt in class was that in order to classify an object as a robot was that it must be able to listen to program it is set to do for example a LEGO EV3 would classify as a robot because it is able to do exactly what the program tells it to do.

"A robot is a machine designed to execute one or more tasks repeatedly, with speed and precision. There are as many different types of robots as there are tasks for them to perform."(, 2016) This quote explains that are also different types of robots, however, they all have one thing in common,they able to do what they have been via the input that is given to them.


This is also evident in the Disney Pixar movie Wall-E (2008) for example Eve (the robot above) was programmed to find sustainable life on Earth within the film and carries out this task until she succeeds. This is relatable to robots when they are programmed because when a robot is programmed it will stick to it unless the program itself changes. 

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